In all our studies a few things have become very clear. From our perspective it is necessary to create a retracted humanity, meaning we stop sprawling out and decrease our living and operating density while decreasing the worlds population. It also became clear that a real community must be at the core of this, with a main objective of mastering the art of living and a brother/sister -hood of all creatures. Our lives aught to revolve around sustaining ourself, passion, fun, art just to name a few. The ultimate intent is to do away with the drive for money and focus on the quality and equality of life. This has been a long time project already mentally formed in our minds and includes new ideas about health, wealth, prosperity, unity, sustainability, freedom, education, food, housing, transportation, waste management, production and products. It’s ideas revolve around the understanding that All That Is has a stake in the existence of this world and as such has equal rights to the environments created by All That Is. It remains imperative that a new thinking is employed and continually reviewed for quality, effectiveness and created results. This will start by introducing each inhabitant to their own innerself in an ongoing process of discovery which will automatically change our thinking and awareness.
We will start by creating new cities using the old european format as a guide. These cities will combine necesities, modest living quarters, industry in a way that is self-sustaining and contained. My favorite cities like Amsterdam and Utrecht come to mind although we will incorporate other features, but at the core of this will be a carless city with waterways and walkways in a star shaped layout. We will enddevour for each city to become it’s own self-sustaining hub with the highest quality of life possible. These cities will include some oldtime favorites like eateries, bakeries, groceries, coffee houses, bars, dancehalls just to name a few. Because the city will have many levels the useable space is significant but compact keeping everything within walking distance. A complete change of how we live our lives will result from the newly discovered self, new philosphy we experience in a new city format which can change and upgrade at will until a workable format is achieved. Because of the world as it is today such a city may have to take the form of amusement park to circumnavigate local restrictions and spread the word while others can enjoy the fun to be had in these communities. We envision a network of such cities spread out over large distances to include a natural world to be enjoyed while remaining in connection with the other hubs.
The city will include an “International house of Seth” where you can have a drink read a book and meet others with similar journeys. This includes a global online community created and maintained by us. Power to the People will create books, videos, seminars, readings and lectures to guide and empower others into their own authority. We will promote, sell and donate the Seth Material and Power to the People Material (and any other material born in our doing) at these global sites. Funding will be gathered through donations, sales and fundraisers until the changed world dissolves the need for that. To create awareness in each, of their own power and in doing so change the world into a world we want to live in. By networking people on a global scale we intend to unify and empower humanity to attain its greatest currently unknown potential. In this ongoing process we free ourselves while promoting the Seth Material and Power to the People Material. This is to be done in a way which promotes personal and global freedoms which include but are not limited to: freedom of speech, freedom of belief, freedom of choice, freedom of life and many more. Allowances not witnessed before in history.
We will adapt and change as we boldly go. We will design and create new cities, industries, foods, schools and more to simplify our lives and refocus humanity into responsible caretakers of the worlds we see are needed. This will ensure our continued physical experience as we return to being whole and in full co-creation and cooperation with All That Is.
There is nothing we cannot accomplish.
Everything starts simply with a thought. We will gather funds and people as we go. Build and adapt while we learn and expand when we can. Automation will play a large part in this. We will keep “ownership” of these parts and it’s digital backbone as they can never be sold and will eventually become locally publicly “owned”. The created hubs will each determine in their own culture what is needed and what needs to be build and acquired using our goals as a guide. We will develop a “directive” as we go. We become a sister/brotherhood of man globally, with daily communications spreading the globe. All in utter freedom of speech and being and believing.