The Seth Material Videos

Seth, the no longer physical entity, talks through Jane to reveal startling information about ourselves the world and the universe. (Thank you Rick Stack and the Seth Center)


1 Your unlimited power

2 Your unlimited power

3 Probable realities, the miracle of your being

4 Probable realities, the miracle of your being

5 Understanding E-motions and honoring the body

6 Understanding E-motions and honoring the body

7 The joy and vitality of your spontaneous self

8 The joy and vitality of your spontaneous self

9 Dream Reality and out of body experiences

10 Dream Reality and out of body experiences

11 Reincarnation, Simultaneous time and the multi-dimensional self

12 Reincarnation, Simultaneous time and the multi-dimensional self

13 Jane Roberts, The Seth Video

14 Jane Roberts, The Seth Video

15 Jane Roberts, The Seth Video

16 Seth Speaks